Tenure-Track Professor in Strategic Management

Aalto University Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (Espoo, Finland) invites applications for: Tenure-Track Professor in Strategic Management

The invite is specifically aimed for applicants with research interest and expertise in the use of analytics and quantitative methods in strategic management and decision making. So a very good fit for OR people! According their own words, ”The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management conducts world-class research and provides impactful education on the creation and transformation of technology-based business.”

You can read the whole application invite here.

Doctoral Candidate in Mathematical Programming and Optimisation

The System Analysis Laboratory in the Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis is looking for a candidate to develop research in the area of optimisation under uncertainty under the supervision of Prof. Fabricio Oliveira, with specific emphasis on data-driven adaptive/robust optimization and/ or stochastic programming. Areas of application are production planning and supply chain management problems; however, the specific area of application can be agreed according to the candidate background and research interests.

Preference will be given to candidates with strong knowledge in optimisation/ mathematical programming and strong programming skills. Experience in machine learning, decomposition methods, stochastic programming, and robust optimization will be greatly valued, but are not mandatory. An excellent command of English is required.

The complete description of the position and instructions for application can be found at this link.

The deadline for application is 31 May 2018.

For further information or informal enquiries, please contact Fabricio Oliveira (fabricio.oliveira@aalto.fi).

TENURE TRACK -paikka avoinna Lappeenrannan Teknillisessä Yliopistossa

Sovellettavan matematiikan tenure tehtävä auki Lappeenrannan Teknillisessä Yliopistossa. Tehtävän fokus on inversio-ongelmiin liittyvässä tutkimuksessa – laitoksella on alan huippuyksikkö. Lappeenrannassa on vireä tutkimusryhmä, joka tekee talon sisällä paljon yhteistyötä mm. analytiikkaan keskittyvän tutkimusryhmän ja teknisen alan tutkimusyksiköiden kanssa. Maksamme valtakunnan parhaat palkat ja työilmapiiri on kannustava.
