Data Scientist, Operations Research, Wolt

Wolt is looking for Data Scientist, Operations Research to drive improvements on our logistics optimization process.

Logistics is one of the more complex parts of Wolt’s business and is a crucial building block of Wolt’s technology platform. Our logistics platform is responsible for courier task allocation, and generating delivery estimates that our customers, couriers, and merchants see. The logistics platform is being developed by a cross-functional team and by a mix of Data Scientists, Optimization Algorithm Developers, and Backend Engineers. It connects Courier Partners to tasks through our in-house route optimization service, which in turn relies on the delivery estimates that we generate for each step of the delivery process. All the different parts of the system come together to automatically manage customer expectations and delivery efficiency.

You would work as an embedded Data Scientist, Operations Research in the Logistics Optimization team, which owns the route optimizer, and the delivery estimates – your focus would be on the optimizer. You would have an impact on Wolt’s overall business as a key player in envisioning and finding new ways to increase our delivery efficiency while keeping our customers happy with accurate estimates, and keeping our couriers engaged with a steady stream of tasks. As an operations research expert, you would find where potential problems lie through data analysis and would work with the rest of the team to get proposed changes implemented. You’d then plan and implement the live logistics experiments needed to verify the hypotheses, and understand the business impact of the changes.

More details and application here.

Diplomityöpaikka operaatiotutkimuksen opiskelijalle

Ala: Teknologiateollisuuden tuotantolinja

Aihe: Rakennusresurssin optimointi ja resurssitilannekuva

Teettäjä: SRV Rakennus Oy yhteistyössä Rakennusteollisuus RT ry:n ja Rakennuspoolin kanssa

Työntekopaikka: Rakennusteollisuus RT ry (Eteläranta 10, Helsinki) ja SRV (Espoo)

Työn kuvaus: Työn tavoitteena on kehittää optimointi- ja resurssitilannekuvamalli sekä mallin käyttöliittymä laajan rakennusresurssin optimoimiseksi ja eritasoisen tilannekuvan tuottamiseen. Mallin käyttökelpoisuutta tullaan testaamaan laajalla case-datalla. Mallin ja käyttöliittymän tulee olla helposti siirrettävissä ja käytettävissä erilliskoneilla (ei verkkoympäristössä).

Työn kesto: 6-8kk

Työ alkaa: Mahdollisimman pian. Mallin ja käyttöliittymän tavoiteaikataulu on tammikuu 2023, diplomityö valmis maalis-huhtikuussa 2023.

Palkkaus: TEK:n palkkasuosituksen mukainen.

Työn valvoja: Aalto-yliopistossa prof. Kai Virtanen

Lisätietoja: 1) Valvoja. 2) Juha Kaitera, Rakennusteollisuus RT ry, 0505481604. 3) Jouni Forsman, SRV Rakennus Oy, 0405190129.

Recruitment: Specialist, Advanced Analytics, UPM

The full recruitment notice and application instructions are available here. Below you’ll find the job description and main requirements:

UPM is now looking for an Advanced Analytics Specialist to work together with UPM businesses to analyze and solve data-oriented business challenges. The position is located in Helsinki, Finland.    

Greetings from your future manager  

“The selected applicant will apply technical skills for highly relevant business problems in a company full of exciting opportunities. In addition to meaningful projects, we offer a working environment that supports self-development, innovative ideas, and modern ways of working.” – Matti Vuorinen, Director, Advanced Analytics  

What you’ll do   

The Advanced Analytics team is a part of UPM’s digitalization agenda. Its purpose is to enable UPM businesses to save costs, improve processes and find new solutions by utilizing data, mathematical modelling, and tool development in both business specific and UPM wide projects and programs.  

In this position, you will:   

  • Take initiative and work together with business experts across UPM  
  • Coordinate and participate in projects where mathematical methodologies such as machine learning, optimization and statistical analysis are applied to real-life business challenges that have significant value for UPM  
  • Develop tools using e.g. Python programming language in modern cloud environments  
  • Contribute to developing analytics culture and ways of working both in the team, and in UPM as a whole  

Who you are     

  • You have a Master’s Degree in Operations Research, Financial Engineering, Mathematics or equivalent  
  • You have deep technical knowledge and experience in machine learning, optimization, stochastics and Python-programming  
  • You are positive, willing to co-operate with business experts, and have good English communications skills. Fluent Finnish and German are assets 
  • Work experience from different UPM Business Areas is an asset  
  • Proven ability and enthusiasm to deliver results in the form of software is an asset  

Read the full recruitment notice and apply here.

Career opportunity: Process Specialist, Valmet

Valmet Industrial Internet is looking for a Process Specialist to develop future solutions for their Board and Paper industry customers.

As a Process Specialist you will be developing solutions for analyzing the Reel and Winder process and equipment performance. Your responsibilities will include developing the measuring technology, data collection and data analysis. As a member of the product group R&D team, you will work together with Reels and Winders process specialists, the service organization, and the DevOps team. You will also participate in developing the Valmet Industrial Internet offering to Board and Paper customers and have an opportunity to create entirely new value-adding applications and products by providing your process expertise.

In addition to these tasks you will also work in the cost analyzing team for the Reel and Winder products. You will be responsible for different cost analyses and pricing development.

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Career opportunity: Junior Supply Chain Development Specialist, Neste Oyj

Neste is looking for a Junior Supply Chain Development Specialist to their our Supply Chain Management (SCM) team in Espoo to  carry out a logistics study. The position is a full-time, fixed-term contract for 12 months, starting earliest in September-October 2021. Our office is in Espoo, but remote work is possible.

You may be a recent graduate or already have some work experience with simulation studies or supply chain development. You will be working in the Supply Chain Development team within SCM. This team is responsible for developing Neste’s planning and optimization tools, maintaining planning data and implementing reporting and analytics.

The work involves creating a discrete-event simulation model of a Neste Oyj tank farm, carrying out simulation studies based on stakeholder requirements, and reporting the results. The purpose of the study is to determine the required tank capacity and product group allocation for the tanks in a number of different scenarios. The simulation model should include, e.g., the effects of truck, rail, and vessel traffic with uncertain interarrival times, tank maintenance, and different production scenarios. The simulation models will be carried out using the Flexsim simulation environment (

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Application DL: 15 Dec 2020 (all applications before this will be considered)
Start time: As soon as possible, but negotiable
Duration: 12 months

Do you want to use your skills in data science and modelling to help fight COVID-19 and future pandemics? Join our international team of scholars in mathematics, statistics, and complex systems as a research assistant. There is a possibility to write a MSc thesis as part of this project.

Your main task is to develop and maintain our data pipelines. You will gather new data sources related to human mobility and social contacts, develop automated procedures to aggregate such data, and maintain our public data repository. The project involves both public data sources (e.g. road traffic reports) and private and possibly sensitive data. In addition to working directly with data, you will participate in the modelling research together with various specialists.

The position is a part of a new Nordic research project with Aalto University, Stockholm University, and University of Oslo. The project will develop new methods for analysing and controlling the spread of COVID-19 based on novel data streams and advanced statistical models related to human mobility and social contacts. The project is funded by the NordForsk organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers. In Aalto, the project is coordinated by Lasse Leskelä, Tapio Ala-Nissilä, and Mikko Kivelä.

We are looking for:
– Solid study record in statistics, biostatistics, machine learning, mathematics, network science, operations research, or a related field
– Programming skills (minimum Python/R, C++ can be an advantage)
– Basic computer skills: Git, Unix, LaTeX, etc.
– Experience and enthusiasm with working with data
– Fluent oral and written communication skills in English. Communication skills in Finnish and Swedish can be considered an advantage
– High motivation to combine relevant elements from computational/mathematical/statistical disciplines to answer public health questions
– Teamwork experience and excellent communication skills
– Ability to work independently and efficiently

Send us your cv and study record before 15 Dec 2020 by email to For more information, see

SYKE etsii erikoistutkijaa (ekosysteemimallintajaa) monipuolisiin tutkimustehtäviin

”Tutkimuksesi koskee maa- ja vesiekosysteemien kasvihuonekaasutaseita ja ainevirtoja (esim. hiili, typpi) erilaisilla alueellisilla tasoilla (intensiivipaikat, valuma-alueet ja laajemmat alueet). Tehtäviisi kuuluu tiedon kerääminen, tilastollisten ja prosessipohjaisten mallien soveltaminen ja kehittäminen sekä skenaarioanalyysi, mukaan lukien maankäytön ja ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusten arviointi. Toimit yhteistyössä SYKEn ja muiden koti- ja ulkomaisten tutkimuslaitosten poikkitieteellisten ryhmien kanssa. Näiden tiimien kanssa kirjoitat tieteellisiä julkaisuja ja asiantuntijaraportteja. Edistät myös ulkopuolisen rahoituksen saamista ja johdat omia tutkimushankkeita ryhmämme kansainvälisessä tutkimusympäristössä. Lisäksi osallistut mallinnuksen kehittämiseen SYKEssä. Lopullinen tehtävänkuva määräytyy valittavan henkilön osaamisen ja kokemuksen perusteella. ” lue lisää

UPM recruits Senior Specialist, Advanced Process Control, Asset Management

UPM is looking for a Senior Specialist, Advanced Process Control, Asset Management to work together with UPM Communication Papers to analyze and solve data-oriented business challenges with Advanced Process Controls (APC). They consider both junior candidates with good technical skills, or senior candidates with several years of relevant work experience. The position can be at any of UPM Communication Papers facilities in Finland or Germany. read more

PhD position in Computer and Systems Sciences (University of Stockholm)

Please note, the deadline is April 15th, 2020!

Project description 
Sweden aims to transition to carbon neutrality by 2045 by relying on a 100 % renewable power system. Such a system will include more variable renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and will function differently than the present one due to intermittency. In particular, flexible producers, e.g., hydropower plants, and the transmission network will become more important in balancing the system. This enhanced leverage for flexible producers increases their potential for market power and thwarts society’s objectives.

This project will develop game-theoretic models adapted to the Nordic power system both to identify such conflicts and to propose proactive mechanisms to mitigate their welfare losses. The ideal candidate should have a background in a quantitative subject, e.g., economics, operations research, or systems analysis, with programming and data-handling experience. Knowledge of electricity markets, energy policy, and environmental issues is also desirable.

Full announcement