Lecturer, statistics and business analytics

The department of Information and Service Management in Aalto University is looking for a

Lecturer in statistics and business analytics  

The position is a permanent, full-time position. The Aalto lecturer career system consists of four levels, and in this recruitment, you can be hired as a university teacher, a university lecturer, or a senior university lecturer, depending on your qualifications and experience. The job is located in Otaniemi on the Aalto University campus.

The position has an emphasis on statistics and business mathematics, and you will have an independent role in coordinating and organizing the teaching of statistics and business mathematics at the BA level. You are also expected to supervise bachelor’s and master’s theses in the fields of business analytics and information service management. You may also contribute to the planning and management of courses at the MA level and will take part in tutoring students, curriculum design, teaching development, and administrative tasks. The language of teaching at the BA level is mostly Finnish, whereas most courses at the MA level are taught in English. Hence, applicants are expected to be fluent in spoken and written Finnish and have high proficiency in English.

The emphasis of the post is on teaching, but the work also includes a research element. Experience in teaching statistics and business analytics in a business school environment will be considered an advantage. The lecturer is expected to conduct research and follow up the development of their own field.

Applicants must possess a Doctorate (or be near completion of a doctoral degree) in a relevant field, e.g., in statistics, mathematics, operations research, management science, or business analytics.

Application closes on 12.1.2025

More details on the position, application requirements, and a link to the application: https://www.aalto.fi/en/open-positions/lecturer-statistics-and-business-analytics

Diplomityöntekijä, Koiviston Auto, Helsinki

Haemme diplomityöntekijää Helsinkiin

Koiviston Auto on Suomen suurin linja-autoyritys. Liikennöimme kaupunkiliikennettä kahdeksalla eri
kaupunkiseudulla Helsingistä Rovaniemelle sekä kaukoliikennettä OnniBus.com-nimellä.

Sähköbussit yleistyvät nopeasti kaupunkiliikenteessä. Niiden tehokkaaseen käyttöön liittyy paljon
suunnitteluongelmia akkukapasiteetin vuoksi: sähköbusseilla ei yleensä pysty liikennöimään koko
päivää, vaan akkuja on ladattava kesken päivän. Ajoneuvojen sähkönkulutus ja akkujen latausteho
vaihtelee useiden tekijöiden mukaan, mm. lämpötila ja matkustajamäärä. Sähkön hinta vaihtelee
myös jatkuvasti ja akkujen lataamisen ajankohdalla on merkittävä vaikutus kustannuksiin. Lisäksi
bussien kalustokierto vaikuttaa suoraan kuljettajien työvuoroihin, joissa on omat lainsäädäntöön
perustuvat ajo- ja lepoaikarajoitteensa.

Etsimme diplomityöntekijää tekemään diplomityötä sähköbussien optimaalisesta
tuotannonsuunnittelusta. Systeemianalyysin opinnot antavat erinomaisen pohjan diplomityön

Työ tehtäisiin työsuhteessa Koiviston Autolle. Työtä voi tehdä joko koko- tai osa-aikaisesti opintojesi
tilanteesta riippuen. Työpaikan sijainti on Ruskeasuon bussivarikolla Helsingissä (Nauvontie 3). Työtä
voi tehdä myös hybridinä.

Lisätietoja antaa tarjous- ja suunnittelujohtaja Arttu Kuukankorpi, p. 040 5052226,

Jätätähän hakemukseksi 16.9.2024 klo 15 mennessä osoitteessa

Three (3) Postdoctoral researchers in Information Systems Science, Management Science, or Supply Chain Management

The Aalto University School of Business is looking for THREE (3) POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS for 2 years positions. The ideal working period is from September 2024 to July 2026. Workplace is located at Otaniemi campus in Espoo, Finland. The application deadline is 31.3.2024.

Your role and goals

The positions are located at the department of Information and Service Management and the postdoctoral researchers will work in tight co-operation with the faculty. The fields of the positions are, Information Systems Science, Management Science, or Supply Chain Managements/Logistics according to the three disciplinary areas of the department. The Department appreciates an active approach to international research collaboration and business co-operation. Both are supported by our current faculty and Aalto’s multidisciplinary collaboration platforms for research and education of the Aalto University.

The department of Information and Service Management has a strong focus on empirical studies and active cooperation with companies and prestigious universities. Most of our projects have both national and international partners, and the results of our research are targeted at top tier academic journals. The research is broadly divided into three disciplines: information systems science, management science and logistics, with topics including but not limited to digital service development, service networks, behavioral decision making, data science, and (sustainable) supply chain management. Our department composes more than 50 employees from all over the world with diverse backgrounds.

Your experience and ambitions  

We are looking for applicants who are completing, or have completed within the past four years, their doctoral studies in a relevant field of study (e.g., supply chain management, logistics, information systems science or management science). The applicants should have demonstrated the ability to conduct research independently and the potential or ability to publish in high-quality scholarly journals. The positions require fluent skills in the English language. An ideal candidate has a background in either analytics/management science, supply chain management/logistics or information systems and respectively interest in doing research on projects and topics found here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-information-and-service-management. The position is associated with a teaching load that is a maximum (25) % of yearly working time (in research related topics).

Salary and benefits

The salary is based on the salary system used at Aalto University and Aalto University provides health care and retirement benefits. Finland is a great and safe environment, offering many excellent state-subsidized services, including affordable day care and free schools, which are consistently ranked among the best in the world.

Application instructions and more information

Recruitment: Post-Doctoral Researcher, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä

We are recruiting a post-doctoral researcher for 1-3 years to work at the Faculty of Information Technology (https://www.jyu.fi/en/it), University of Jyvaskyla (https://www.jyu.fi/en) in Finland as a member of the Multiobjective Optimization Group (http://www.mit.jyu.fi/optgroup) in close collaboration with the JYU.Well community https://www.jyu.fi/en/research/jyuwell-school-of-wellbeing/jyuwell-research-spearheads/jyuwell-profiling-area-2023-2028. The application deadline is February 21, 2024.

For more information, see

Applications are to be submitted via the online application system (links to the application system are at the top of the above-mentioned webpages).

The focus of the recruited post-doctoral researcher will be devoted to applications of wellbeing with the help of methods of multiobjective optimization and decision analytics. An example of our publications giving an example of the field is https://doi.org/10.1080/07853890.2021.2024876. If you are recruited in this postdoctoral position, you will have excellent collaboration networks with both experts in the Multiobjective Optimization Group and the JYU.Well community and access to e.g. various types of data. Our mission is not only to understand data and make forecasts based on data but make optimized recommendations and decisions based on the data. In making good decisions, we take multiple conflicting objective functions into account simultaneously – thus we support a decision maker or decision makers in finding the best balance among the conflicting objective functions by augmenting data with domain expertise of decision makers. This is a unique opportunity to work with problems that really matter.

We welcome new, talented members to the Multiobjective Optimization Group. The Group works on multiobjective optimization as well as decision/prescriptive analytics and data-driven/data-enabled optimization. We develop methods for supporting decision making in the presence of multiple conflicting objective functions. Therefore, knowledge of multiobjective optimization is required. To be a bit more specific, the group develops methods as well as software and works with various applications of multiobjective optimization. We specialize on interactive multiobjective optimization methods (both scalarization-based and evolutionary methods and their hybrids). We are interested in supporting a single decision maker as well as groups of decision makers. We also develop visualizations and apply artificial intelligence, machine learning tools and explainability as a part of the decision support processes. We are developing an open source software framework DESDEO for interactive multiobjective optimization methods (desdeo.it.jyu.fi). Furthermore, we are actively involved in a thematic research area called Decision Analytics utilizing Causal Models and Multiobjective Optimization (DEMO, jyu.fi/demo) where the objective is to support data-driven decision making. The open position is connected to this – developing tools for data-driven or data-enabled decision support with e.g. wellbeing, health and rehabilitation as examples of applications.

The postdoctoral researcher’s duties focus on internationally high-level research in the focus areas of the JYU.Well profiling area 2023-2028 | University of Jyväskylä. The duties include supporting the interdisciplinary development of wellbeing research and activities, and participating in acquiring external funding. The postdoctoral researcher is also expected to participate in societal interaction together with the JYU.Well research community, supervising students and in teaching within their own areas of expertise. The amount of teaching duties is rather small. Rather recently graduated researchers with a doctoral degree relevant to these areas are most welcome to apply! For more, see the call for applications.

For information about application guidelines and a link to the electronic application system, see https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/postdoctoral-researcher-jyu-well/8RboLr

Please, forward this announcement to those who might be interested in the positions. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions!

With best regards, Kaisa Miettinen

Jyväskylän yliopisto hakee apulaisprofessoria

Jyväskylän yliopiston informaatioteknologian tiedekunta hakee 

APULAISPROFESSORIA (Assistant/Associate Professor, tenure track), laskennallinen tiede (erityisesti hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden tekoälytutkimus) 

Haussa olevan Informaatioteknologian tiedekunnan ja Keski-Suomen hyvinvointialueen yhteisen apulaisprofessuurin on tarkoitus syventää ja monipuolistaa yhteistyötä näiden yksiköiden välillä. 

Työsuhde alkaa 1.3.2024 (tai sopimuksen mukaan). Assistant -tason tehtävä on määräaikainen 3–5 vuodeksi ja associate -tason tehtävä 5 vuodeksi. Tenure track –vakinaistamispolun tavoitteena on eteneminen toistaiseksi voimassa olevaan professorin työsuhteeseen.

Linkki hakuilmoitukseen: Apulaisprofessori (Assistant/Associate Professor, tenure track), laskennallinen tiede (erityisesti hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden tekoälytutkimus) | Informaatioteknologian tiedekunta | TalentAdore – Edistyksellinen Hakijakokemus

Recruitment: Assistant Professor, Aalto University School of Business

Aalto University School of Business is looking for a

Tenure Track Assistant Professor in statistics, mathematics, and data science

at the Department of Information and Service Management. The position is to be filled at Assistant Professor  level of the Aalto University tenure track system and is full-time and fixed term.


Applicants should hold a doctoral degree (or be near completion of the doctorate) in statistics or closely related field.

The position requires a strong and wide research profile in mathematical statistics and probability theory involving modeling, development of new methods, asymptotical analyses, and computational problems (e.g., in statistical machine learning). Applications in business are considered as an additional merit.

The applicants should have a strong commitment to teaching, mentoring graduate students and to developing and maintaining an active program of sponsored research. Candidates must have a potential to publish in top journals and demonstrated record of international publications within relevant discipline and a teaching portfolio that demonstrates teaching merits and competence.

Job description

The Department of Information and Service Management consists of three disciplinary areas: Information Systems Science, Logistics, and Management Science. This position is located in Management Science. The department offers bachelor’s and master’s programs in Information and Service Management. The doctoral program in management science has about 12 doctoral students enrolled. There are currently about 25 faculty members at the department, of which seven are in the Management Science group. The Department appreciates an active approach to international research collaboration and business co-operation. Both are supported by our current faculty and Aalto’s multidisciplinary collaboration platforms for research and education of the Aalto University.

We look for candidates with strong background in mathematical statistics with an interest to apply theory to address also practical problems, and whose work complements the research of our faculty. We are especially searching for candidates that can contribute to teaching in statistics, mathematics, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The selected candidate is expected to conduct and supervise research in mathematical statistics with applications to machine learning and business analytics, to provide university level teaching, to follow and contribute to the advances in the field internationally, to participate in service to the Aalto University community and to take part in societal interaction.

The applicants will be reviewed on the basis of their research, teaching and academic leadership and activity in scientific community. Aalto University reserves the right to use external reviewers to support the evaluation of applicants during the recruitment process.

For more Information: https://www.aalto.fi/en/open-positions/assistant-professor-statistics-mathematics-and-data-science

Fingrid hakee sähkömarkkina-analyytikkoa

Haemme Strategisen verkkosuunnittelun yksikköön Helsinkiin vakituiseen työsuhteeseen


Fingridin Strateginen verkkosuunnittelu -yksikkö vastaa kantaverkon pitkän aikavälin suunnittelusta hiilineutraalin Suomen tarpeisiin. Vastaamme tulevaisuusvaihtoehtojen tarkastelusta, sähkön siirtokyvyn kehittämisestä sekä kansainvälisestä suunnitteluyhteistyöstä muiden kantaverkkoyhtiöiden kanssa. Etsimme vahvistusta Strateginen verkkosuunnittelu -yksikön markkinamallinnustiimiin.

Sinun vastuullasi on sähkömarkkinoiden analysointi ja mallintaminen, toimintaympäristön seuranta sekä analysointimenetelmien kehittäminen. Työtä tehdään yhdessä strategisen verkkosuunnittelun tiimin ja muiden eurooppalaisten kantaverkkoyhtiöiden kanssa. Voit olla urasi alkupuolella tai jo kokeneempi tekijä.

Osaamisesi ja mielenkiinnon kohteidesi mukaan vastuualueeseen voidaan sisällyttää sähköverkon pullonkaulojen hallintamenetelmien analysointia ja tarjousalueiden välisen siirtokapasiteetin laskentamenetelmien kehittämistä. Lisäksi pääset osallistumaan mallinnustyökalujen kehittämiseen ja integrointiin, osallistumaan kansainvälisiin sähkönsiirtoyhteyksien suunnitteluhankkeisiin sekä arvioimaan verkkoinvestointien kansantaloudellista kannattavuutta.

Tehtävässä menestyminen vaatii

  • sähkömarkkinoiden ja -järjestelmän toiminnan perusteiden teoreettista ja käytännön tuntemusta
  • mielenkiintoa ja kykyä omaksua sähkömarkkinamalleja
  • erilaisten laskentajärjestelmien monipuolista tuntemusta
  • intoa kehittää sähkömarkkinamallinnuksen ja verkkosuunnittelun työkaluja
  • tehtävään soveltuvan yliopistotason tutkinnon

Suurten tietomassojen kanssa työskentelystä, ohjelmoinnin perustaidoista, todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastomatematiikan osaamisesta on etua työssä. 

Arvostamme oma-aloitteisuutta, innovatiivisuutta, pitkäjänteisyyttä ja kykyä tulla toimeen erilaisten ihmisten kanssa. Hyvä englannin kielen taito tukee sinua työssäsi.

Tarjoamme mielenkiintoisen, haastavan ja vastuullisen tehtävän osaavien asiantuntijoiden joukossa, ammatissa kehittymisen mahdollisuuden sekä kilpailukykyiset edut. Fingridin työntekijänä olet osa joukkuetta, jota yhdistää ennakkoluulottomuus, rohkeus ja avoimuus. Meillä pääset tekemään merkityksellistä työtä, kun viemme yhdessä Suomea kohti tulevaisuuden sähköjärjestelmää.

Liity energiseen joukkoomme kasvamaan sähkömarkkinoiden asiantuntijaksi!

Lisätietoa ja hakemuslinkki löytyvät täältä

Recruitment: Data Science Consultant, Intito Oy

As a Data Science Consultant, you will join our Data & AI team where you will be implementing and developing advanced analytics solutions for our customers. Depending on your expertise and experience, this could mean for example:

•             End-to-end Data Science consulting projects

•             Implementing and developing time series forecasting and outlier detection solutions

•             Mathematical optimization/programming projects

You could have experience in Data Engineering or Data Science or be a Business Intelligence expert heading for a career in AI and Data Science. We will help you to grow alongside our business. You will work with our customers and our developers to create solutions that help our customers succeed in their business.

More info:

Data Scientist, Operations Research, Wolt

Wolt is looking for Data Scientist, Operations Research to drive improvements on our logistics optimization process.

Logistics is one of the more complex parts of Wolt’s business and is a crucial building block of Wolt’s technology platform. Our logistics platform is responsible for courier task allocation, and generating delivery estimates that our customers, couriers, and merchants see. The logistics platform is being developed by a cross-functional team and by a mix of Data Scientists, Optimization Algorithm Developers, and Backend Engineers. It connects Courier Partners to tasks through our in-house route optimization service, which in turn relies on the delivery estimates that we generate for each step of the delivery process. All the different parts of the system come together to automatically manage customer expectations and delivery efficiency.

You would work as an embedded Data Scientist, Operations Research in the Logistics Optimization team, which owns the route optimizer, and the delivery estimates – your focus would be on the optimizer. You would have an impact on Wolt’s overall business as a key player in envisioning and finding new ways to increase our delivery efficiency while keeping our customers happy with accurate estimates, and keeping our couriers engaged with a steady stream of tasks. As an operations research expert, you would find where potential problems lie through data analysis and would work with the rest of the team to get proposed changes implemented. You’d then plan and implement the live logistics experiments needed to verify the hypotheses, and understand the business impact of the changes.

More details and application here.